Jamdani Palli is
a village of Narayanganj district under Tarabo pouroshova of Rupganj Thana, Naraynganj District is very popular and
traditional area of Bangladesh. That area is known as a BISIC Nagari. That
nagari is the big area for jamdani Shari all over Bangladesh. After crossing
the Kanchpur Bridge, by the way of shylhet road, after 3 km. the jamdani palli
is situated. The name of that area is noapara under Tarabo pouroshava of
Rupganj Thana. There are number of plot is 460 in that palli. And the huge
number of Textile mills is running in that area. The environment is very
commercial and busy. According to the agreement between BISIC and artisans of
jamdani, the period of living is 100 years. People of Jamdani palli weave
jamdani and sell them around Bangladesh. They run their lives by weaving
The main fetish of jamdani work is the
geometric design. The experts weavers do not need to illustrate the design on
paper. All they do it from their won memory. Jamdani have varius
names according to their designs.
1. A jamdani with small flowers diapered on the fabric is known as 'BUTIDAR'.
2. If these flowers are arranged in reclined position it is called 'TERSA'
3. It is not essential that these designs are made of flowers only.
There can be designs with peacocks and leaves of creepers . If such designs
cover the entire field of the sari, it is called 'JALAR NAKSHA'.
4. If the field is covered with rows of flowers, it is known as 'FULWAR
5. 'DURIA JAMDANI' has design of spots all over.
6. 'Belwari jamdani' with colorful golden borders used to be
made during the mughal period,especially for the women of the inner court.
At present, brides like sporting jamdani sarees for 'gaye holud' operate.Earlier, brides accustomed wear solely yellow sarees. But now, they opt for varied colours of jamdani sarees.
The demand for jamdani sarees is increasing day by day. Because, currently several brides opt for jamdani sari as their wedding outfit. For wedding outfit brides opt for colourful and lovely jamdani sari with the work of golden or silver jari. Brides conjointly like easy jamdani sarees with none zari for his or her wedding outfit.
The demand for jamdani sarees is increasing day by day. Because, currently several brides opt for jamdani sari as their wedding outfit. For wedding outfit brides opt for colourful and lovely jamdani sari with the work of golden or silver jari. Brides conjointly like easy jamdani sarees with none zari for his or her wedding outfit.